Monday, June 12, 2023


How Can I Make a Dent in the Universe?

“We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why else even be here.” 

Steve Jobs

The question "How Can I Make a Dent in the Universe?" That is an excellent question to ask myself right now. For millennia, numerous inspired individuals—whether they were scholars, creators, writers, revolutionaries, or industrialists-have left a permanent mark on human civilization's evolution. I am inspired. I am motivated. Motivated individuals strive to leave a legacy. However, I also agree with others who believe doing so is foolish.

"Legacy is a stupid thing! I don't want a legacy."

Bill Gates

Yes, I am Inspired

Today, I am inspired. I have a burning desire to make a contribution that will last for a long time as I think about how I fit into the elegance of the cosmos. Today, I ask myself a question: “How can an ordinary individual like me make a significant impact that transcends beyond my own existence?” Here, I start a personal investigation into the actions I can take to realize my potential and leave a lasting impression.  

I Get After Innovation and Creativity

I need to embrace innovative thinking and call for creativity in my life if I want to have any sort of influence on the universe. I am cognizant that making an actual impact often calls for thinking creatively, questioning myself, and extending beyond what is feasible. I will do my part to acquire a mindset that promotes innovation and experimentation. I am open to all novel perspectives. I may find creative solutions and have a real, lasting influence by being willing to branch out into unfamiliar territory and take a different approach to issues.

Today I Ask “What am I Passionate About?”

Today, I want to identify my areas of interest. I want to think about my objectives, passions, and ambitions. To have a major influence, I must first look inwardly to discover what truly motivates, thrills, and fulfills me. By identifying my passion, I can access strength, vitality, and direction. I will find the drive and resolve to overcome obstacles along the way within the fields of my passion.

I Seek Collaboration with Others to Make a Dent

I know partnerships and collaborations are effective change catalysts. I will actively look for opportunities to work with individuals, organizations, and neighborhoods that share my vision and beliefs to increase the impact of what I do. We can achieve synergistic effects and take on greater problems by combining our unique abilities, resources, and knowledge. We have the potential to do more for the world or the universe as a whole than any one person could alone.

Today, I Set Lofty Goals

I understand the significance of setting benchmarks that are in line with my passion and resonate with my most profound aspirations. I want to make a lasting impression on the universe. Lofty ambitions are those that are outside the bounds of what appears feasible or realistic. They are audacious and could seem unreachable to somebody on the outside. But it's these goals that encourage me to stretch beyond my perceived boundaries and aim for extraordinary achievements.

I push myself to think outside the box and to imagine a future that ends up extending beyond what I originally believed was feasible. My goals give me a fire inside of me that fuels my ambition and compels me to pursue them with tenacity. These goals act as a potent catalyst for progress, creativity, and the pursuit of excellence. Today, I liberate myself from self-doubt and embrace the limitless potential within me. I dare to dream big and aim high, knowing that even if I don't succeed, the journey there will still result in amazing accomplishments and priceless experiences.

My goals enable me to realize my full potential. They force me to push over my imagined boundaries and force me out of my comfort zone. Knowing that the pursuit of daring goals necessitates tenacity, determination, and adaptability inspires me to embrace obstacles and disappointments as stepping stones toward growth.

Lofty goals also attract and excite those who share my passion and vision. They function as a magnet, attracting those who share their desire to influence meaningfully. To achieve amazing results, we can work together, encourage one another, and combine our individual and collective abilities.

Every step I take in the right direction results in a victory. Every objective I accomplish moves me one step closer to making a significant impact on the universe. I now believe in the power of setting high standards for myself because it will help me realize my full potential and leave a lasting impression.

I am Curious

In addition to learning new things, it's crucial to keep my mind open. Exploration and a sense of wonder about the world arise from curiosity. It drives me to raise questions, disprove assumptions, and look for deeper comprehension. I may find new viewpoints, unearth hidden connections, and approach challenges with fresh eyes. I may do this by maintaining an open mind and an impression filled with intellectual curiosity.

Today I Embrace Lifelong Learning to Go Beyond

I must keep learning and growing if I want to truly make a difference in the world. I must commit to lifelong learning. The attitude of life-long learning allows me to maintain an interest in learning about the always-evolving world around me while expanding my thinking and skills.

I'm aware that the world is constantly evolving and to be an influencer, I must stay on top of the latest developments, trends, and breakthroughs in my field. To do this, I need to actively engage in research, read books, and articles, and attend seminars and workshops.

"One must have a growth mindset to move into leadership positions; with a growth mindset, keep observing other leaders in action and keep stepping into roles where you can learn and grow. If you are reasonably intelligent, to become a leader, you have to put yourself on the line again and again to develop and enhance your leadership skills."

Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2

In addition to expanding my knowledge of my topic of interest, I also must expose myself to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of thinking. I understand that launching innovative skills is a vital component of ongoing learning. I have a basic understanding of the world. I think that by broadening my skill set, I can enhance my ability to solve problems and broaden my potential effect. No matter whether it's understanding a computer language, strengthening my communication abilities, or developing my leadership skills, every new ability I learn becomes a vital tool in my toolbox.

Today I Take Calculated Risks

I have to be willing to venture outside of my comfort zone and take calculated risks if I want to make any kind of influence on the world or part of the universe. Amazing accomplishments always call for forging ahead into the unknown, taking calculated risks, and recognizing uncertainty. I am fully conscious that taking these could result in disaster. However, I am ready to grow from every setback, keep improving things for the better, and keep trying.

I Take Massive Action

I understand that without action, thoughts and aspirations are just idle speculations. I am moving forward with my goals because I want to really make a difference. I am diligently working toward progress. I will start small but keep moving. I know that every step I take will bring me one step closer to having a significant effect. If the going gets tough, I'll still keep going and never waver in my determination to make my dreams come true.

Leaving a Positive Legacy

In the end, my desire to have an impact on the universe extends well beyond what I have actually achieved. I will try to improve the lives of others whether it be through deeds of kindness or developing something that benefits society as a whole.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

And I recognize it's tough to create a dent in the world, let alone the universe. Uncertainties, difficulties, and setbacks are par for the course. I stay committed. I reflect. I introspect. I stay tenacious and relentless in pursuit of personal development. I am armed with my passion and ambition. I have the support of a like-minded community. I'm prepared to enter the vastness of the cosmos. I get a little bit closer to leaving a mark on the universe with each move I make and with every step, every choice I make, and every action I take.

To take you inspiration to a whole new level, Check out my books, they are all on sale, read them and leave a honest reviews.

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Saturday, June 10, 2023


 Face Problems Head-On

“Challenges, problems, and crises are part of the equation of a successful life. Face them head-on and rise above them when they arrive. A judicious dose of inspiration and a little positive distinction can change the direction of our lives for the better and make us triumph over our troubles and setbacks.”

Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2

Life is full of ups and downs, triumphs and failures, and it’s always changing, shifting, or evolving. It can take numerous different paths. Now and again, regardless of who we are or what we do, problems and difficulties are sure to arise. The size of the problem is inconsequential; what matters is how we approach and handle challenges since that is what truly defines who we are. By adopting a proactive approach and facing our problems head-on, we can develop resilience, discover our strengths, and pave the way for personal growth and success. In this article, we will explore the significance of confronting challenges and delve into strategies that can help us tackle problems with confidence and determination.

Challenges are the Stepping Stones to Our Growth

Challenges are not roadblocks to growth, success, and achievement. Instead, they are the stepping stones on our path to growth. Challenges test and push us out of our comfort zones and provide opportunities for learning and development. Through challenges, we discover our strengths, uncover hidden potentials, and cultivate resilience. Embracing challenges with a growth mindset allows us to see them as valuable experiences that shape us into stronger individuals. 

Understand the True Nature of a Problem

Understand that problems can’t solve on their own. Some people become scared of challenges and postpone confronting them, hoping that they will resolve on their own. However, this passive approach does not solve our problems and often leads to compounding issues and increased stress.

Acknowledge and confront problems directly. By doing that you will take control of the situation and set the stage for finding effective solutions. By confronting a problem head-on, we gain a deeper understanding of its nature, learn its root causes and potential consequences.

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Define the Problem

When faced with a challenge, it is crucial to gain a clear understanding of what we are up against. Defining the challenge allows us to analyze its intricacies, set specific goals, and develop targeted strategies for resolution. Recognize the root cause of the problem or challenge. By doing that, you can uncover the underlying factors contributing to the problem. Assess the scope and magnitude of it. When you define the challenge, it helps you gauge the extent of its impact and the resources that may be required to overcome it. From there, you can prioritize and allocate your resources effectively.

Clarity Leads to Power

Take a step back from the problem and create space for reflection. Engage in activities like meditation, journaling, or simply finding quiet moments to clear your mind. This allows you to gain perspective and approach the problem with a fresh and clear mindset.

Ask probing questions to delve deeper into the problem. What are the underlying causes? What are the potential consequences of the problem? Seek answers to your questions. What you ask your mind, you will get answers to it. For every problem and challenge, there exists a solution. Let your mind uncover those solutions. Conduct thorough research and gather relevant data to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem. Consult reliable sources, seek expert opinions, and consider different perspectives. The more information you have, the deeper your understanding of the problem becomes.

Break Down the Problem

Break down your problems into tiny constituents. Complex problems can be overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, more manageable components. This enables you to focus on one aspect of the problem at a time, and reduces confusion, increasing clarity. Herculean problems when you keep working hard to solve them become solved.

You can use diagrams, flowcharts, or mind maps to visualize the problem and its various elements. This visual representation can help you identify patterns, relationships, and potential solutions. Do mind storming. Share your thoughts and analysis of the problem with others. Engage in discussions and seek feedback from trusted individuals who can provide fresh perspectives and insights. This external input can contribute to your overall clarity.

“An inventor fails 999 times, and if he succeeds once, he's in. He treats his failures simply as practice shots.”

Charles F. Kettering

Flexibility is Power

When it comes to solving problems and overcoming challengers, clinging to preconceived notions or rigid thinking patterns can cloud our clarity. Embrace flexibility and be open to new ideas and alternative solutions. This allows for a broader perspective and greater clarity in problem-solving. In the face of challenges, rigidity and resistance often lead to frustration and stagnation. On the other hand, flexibility is the key that unlocks the power to navigate obstacles successfully. Be flexible and win big against your challenges.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Adopt a growth mindset. View challenges as opportunities for learning and personal development. Never become discouraged by setbacks. Embrace them as stepping stones on your path to success. Believe in yourself. Believe that you will get over your challenges. Believe in your ability to learn, adapt, and overcome all obstacles that come your way. Boldly confront them head-on. Developing a proactive mindset is essential when it comes to facing problems head-on.

"The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.”

Carol S. Dweck

Grab New Opportunities to Overcome Challenges

Our challenges are gateways to new opportunities. No doubt about it. Embrace them. Love them. They will make you grow and take you to new heights. By grabbing challenging opportunities, we can surely expand our skills, knowledge, and perspectives. Challenges push us to think creatively and develop resilience in us. They are fertile ground for invention, innovation, and breakthroughs. Never shy away from them. Instead, seize them with courage and determination. Dare to embrace the unknown, step outside your comfort zone, and unlock the doors to personal and professional development that all challenges bring you.

Accept and Be Aware

Accept the fact that challenges will arise in life; doing so will enable you to face them head-on without fear or hesitation. Develop self-awareness to identify your normal reaction to difficulties and attempt to change your negative thought patterns to positive ones. Life is dull without problems and challenges. How can we grow if there are no problems and challenges? Life is a continuous process of facing and overcoming challenges and problems.

Points to Remember:

Define the challenge

Analyze the challenge from different angles.


Gather all alternatives to overcome the challenge

Evaluate and select the best option

Be flexible

Grab opportunities

Review and readjust

And work hard

To take you inspiration to a whole new level, Check out my books, they are all on sale, read them and leave a honest reviews.

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Friday, June 9, 2023


 Why am I Not Happy?

By Kuldip K. Rai

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Why am I not happy? From time to time, we all want to know the answer to this question.

Is it wise for us to say to ourselves, “Why am I not happy?” No, and yes. When we submit a question to our minds, it focuses on it and produces a variety of responses. We will always receive a response to whatever question we ask our minds. Your mind will undoubtedly come up with explanations for why you’re sad if you keep asking your mind. It will focus on the awful events going on in your personal circumstances and your surrounding. On the other hand, your mind will also answer the query if you ask it why you are glad and come up with positive answers. Asking a positive question is thus the simplest approach to shifting your perspective from a negative to a positive one.

We All Want Happiness

Happiness is what we all long to have, and it is a primary aspect of our existence. The pursuit of happiness has been ingrained in our genes, our culture, and our environment. All humans constantly pursue happiness because when you are happy, you feel great. You may be unhappy for many reasons, including loneliness, marital issues, financial difficulties, unresolved traumas, or other factors over which you have no influence, such as your genetics.

All of us occasionally encounter unhappiness in our lives. We all desire happiness; it is a crucial component of our existence. Our biology, society, and environment all encourage us to pursue happiness. Happiness is something that everyone strives for since it makes us feel great. Despite our relentless pursuit of happiness, some of us become permanently mired in unhappiness. Having an unhappy or depressed mood can be frustrating.

The feeling of unhappiness or depression can become frustrating, perplexing, and even overwhelming. What are the complexities of happiness? Let us get down to the basics and explore some of the possible reasons why you might be sad. By getting down to the basics and finding the root causes of unhappiness, we can move towards finding happiness, fulfillment and achievement in life.

The Illusion of Happiness

The majority of us mistakenly think that our happiness is determined by other people, things, or events. Society frequently emphasizes that we will be happy if we earn a certain level of material prosperity, accomplish a certain set of goals, gain social prestige, and become famous. But this outward-looking perspective frequently results in an endless circle of dissatisfaction. True happiness comes from within us rather than depending on other people or things. It is crucial that we change our attitude and concentrate on developing our inner joy and contentment.

How the Social Media Influences Us

In our digital age, social media platforms have become an integral part of our lives. While they offer connection and entertainment, they also present a significant source of unhappiness. When we start comparing ourselves to other seemingly perfect lives, it can lead us on a path to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and jealousy. Social media provides a reality that is idealized. In actuality, everyone faces unique difficulties. Be grateful for who you are and make an effort to cut back on your use of social media if you want to experience more happiness in your life. That might be able to lessen these unpleasant feelings.

Be Mindful

"Mindfulness brings peace, tranquility, and relaxation to our bodies and minds. When we become relaxed and comfortable, free of our past and future, the level of our concentration rises too."

Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 1

How We Forget to Take Care of Ourselves

The person who takes the best care of yourself is you. Neglecting our own needs could be another source of sadness. We frequently neglect self-care, physical health, and emotional well-being in the quest for success or in an effort to live up to cultural standards. For general happiness, living a healthy, balanced lifestyle is crucial. This involves maintaining up eating well, exercising frequently, getting enough rest, and developing strong relationships. Self-care is not selfish; rather, it is an essential step on the road to happiness.

Do You Lack Purpose and Meaning?

Are you going through a phase in your life when you think of your life as meaningless or purposeless? When we give meaning and purpose to our lives, we become inspired to do things, and feelings of sadness begin to disappear. On the contrary, when we become uncertain of what we want to do with our lives or we feel cut off from our values, we may feel intensely unhappy. If that is time you are going through in your life, then do reflect on your hobbies, interests, and core values. Focus on something bigger than who you are. Things and activities that support our values and ideals can make us feel incredibly fulfilled and happy and help change the lives of others, too. Keep thinking, learning and expanding. That’s what this blog is all about to lead you higher up the mountain of success. Keep inspiring, perspiring and going higher and higher.

Let Go of Past Traumas

Do you think unresolved emotional baggage may be affecting you from the past? Is so, that may additionally render it difficult for you to be happy in the present. Deep emotional scars may persist below the surface. They may have an impact on your thoughts, emotions, and behavior that can be caused by painful experiences like the death of a loved one, the anguish of a broken relationship, mistreatment, and abuse.

Unresolved traumas and emotional loads do affect our daily lives, sometimes in subtle ways, when we endure them. Carrying so much load of traumas from the past, we may struggle to establish and maintain good relationships. At times, we may feel anxious or depressed without knowing why, or have issues with self-worth and self-esteem. Unsolved problems certainly can have a negative impact on our lives and can keep us from truly experiencing happiness.

“We have a lot going for us; we can conquer our fears. With the full use of our highly developed ability to think and perceive, we can, through the felt sense, consciously move out of the trauma response.”

Peter A. Levine, Healing Trauma 

People who have gone through traumas can address and move through their past traumas in a safe and supportive environment by seeking professional assistance, such as therapy or counselling. Qualified therapists or counsellors can help them examine their experiences, emotions, and cognitive patterns in order to acquire understanding and create coping mechanisms.

It takes time to heal. Healing fully requires work, commitment, and self-care. Learning to forgive and let go can become an indispensable tool to leave behind all traumas. Letting go of the past is not easy, but if you want to be happy, you must forgive and let go. When we address our traumas and let go of the past with forgiveness, we reclaim our lives, becoming healthier and happier. The space that was once occupied by painful traumas suddenly becomes available for peace and happiness. Seek help if you are suffering. You would seek help if you had physical pain. Wouldn’t you? Then why won’t you seek help for your mental anguish and trauma? Seeking help is a courageous step toward healing and is not a sign of weakness.

Accept Yourself

Living in harmony with ourselves is truly essential for happiness. At times, we don masks to fit or adhere to cultural standards, which can result in an acute feeling of detachment from our true selves. Genuine happiness requires that we acknowledge who we truly are, live truthfully, and embrace our real selves. It enables us to develop deep connections, follow our passions, and feel a sense of community.

Don't Worry

Worry can eat you alive. In life, there is only one thing that we can possibly control which is ourselves. We have no control over others, circumstances, outside events, weather, or natural disasters. Worrying about things we have no control over is downright stupid. Do the best you are capable of doing in any given situation, and let the universe take care of the rest. 

Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”

Roy T. Bennett

In closing, I must say that the pursuit of happiness is a complex journey and is a deeply personal one. Why am I not happy? That is the question that we ask ourselves many times in our lives. To a degree, understanding the reasons behind our unhappiness can guide us towards finding lasting peace, happiness and fulfillment. If you’re just feeling down, just asking the opposite question can do the trick. Ask, “Why am I Happy?” You will find that when your mind is looking for reasons for your happiness, your focus will switch to happy thoughts.

In summary, by challenging the illusion of external factors, minimizing social media’s influence, prioritizing personal well-being, seeking purpose and meaning, addressing past traumas, and embracing authenticity, we can take significant strides towards reclaiming our happiness. In the end, I must say that happiness is not a destination, but it is rather a continuous process of self-discovery and self-growth.

To take you inspiration to a whole new level, check out my books, they are all on sale, read them and leave a honest review.

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Thursday, June 8, 2023


How to Keep Going Higher And Higher

By Kuldip K. Rai

None of us want to be pushed or forced. Instead, we want to be inspired, gently coaxed, and encouraged to achieve our targets, attain high ideals, and turn the impossible into the possible. Inspirations and motivations do the work of coaxing, encouraging, stimulating, uplifting or cheering on.”

Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 1

We all aspire to reach lofty heights and fulfill our nature-given potential. We all want the best life can offer. Don’t we? How can we achieve what we want? How can we keep reaching higher and higher in life? For one thing, nothing lasts forever; our life is short. Therefore, we can’t say that we must aim to keep reaching higher and higher forever.

No matter whether you want to keep achieving your personal goals, have professional success, or keep improving yourself as long as you can, make your journey towards reaching new heights a continuous one. In this post, I will explore practical strategies, principles, and mindsets that can help navigate you through your life better and lead you toward your passions and purposes.

Set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound Goals

To reach higher and higher in life, you need a clear path to follow. You must know what your targets are. If you don’t know where you are heading, how will you get there? Do you have enough goals? “If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things,” says Lou Holtz, “you don’t have enough goals.” When you choose your goals, make sure they are ambitious and meaningful and align with your values, interests, and life purposes. Set yourself both short-term and long-term goals, and break them down into immediate actionable steps. When you set measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals (SMART goals), you create a roadmap that pushes you forward toward your destination. Keep reviewing and adjusting your goals, and ensure they remain challenging but attainable.

 Have a Growth Mindset

Your growth stops without a growth mindset. Believe. Through dedicated hustle and determination, you can further develop your intelligence and abilities. Learn to face challenges head on; they are stepping stones and valuable lessons in disguise for your growth and achievement. “In a growth mindset,” says Carol Dweck, “challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here’s a chance to grow.” Yes. When you get excited about your challenges, things begin to happen and growth becomes a game that you love to play every single day.

Focus on How You Can Go Higher

When you intensely focus on ‘How can I do something’ or ‘How can I go around my limitation,’ the path to achievement starts to form, and the answers to how to go around your handicaps and limitations begin to appear. Your tenacious pieces of training and practices begin to make you stronger; your courageous actions after actions start turning impossibilities into possibilities.”

Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 1

 Keep Learning Every Day

To keep rising higher and higher, you must commit yourself to lifelong learning and skill development. Keep acquiring more and more knowledge, exploring diverse areas of interest, and challenging yourself to step outside your comfort zones. Embrace curiosity and seek new experiences. Join like-minded clubs or communities. Seek out mentors. Who are the experts in your field? Read biographies and autobiographies of famous individuals or the people who have succeeded in your field. Invest in courses, books, and workshops that expand your horizons and move you on to higher plateaus. Keep doing the work and keep loving it. Keep making unending efforts; continue learning; persevere.

Failure: No Matter, Setbacks: No Problem

Failure is an indispensable part of growth. Without failures and setbacks, growth isn’t possible. Understand that failure is a valuable teacher and an opportunity to learn. However, observe why you failed, what went wrong, and never fail to learn from your failures. Acutely analyze your setbacks; identify the lessons you learned and use them to refine your approach. Be resilient and bounce back higher than ever before, wiser and stronger. Many great achievements are the offspring of repeated failures.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

This can be a tough one. The world abounds with negative people; they are everywhere in every corner of the world. To a degree, the company you keep makes you who you are. Become acquainted with more positive people, teachers, and supportive individuals who inspire and push you higher. Who are they? Seek out people who have achieved what you want to attain. Are there communities and networks nearby you that foster growth and encourage collaboration? Wisely and boldly, let go of toxic people that hinder your progress. Choose relationships and connections that uplift and motivate you, and take you higher and higher in terms of growth, success, and happiness.

Embrace Change and Be Flexible in Your Approach

The world and the people in it are changing at a rapid speed than ever before. Those who fail to change and adapt get left behind. In our evolving world, flexibility and openness to evolving ideas, concepts, and ways are utterly important. Stubbornly being stuck to primitive ways of doing things will not make you climb higher in this ever so competitive world. Be the one who embraces a flexible approach, steps out of his comfort zones and reinvents himself. Opportunities for growth are everywhere; look for them and you will find them. Be proactive and seek innovative solutions to your setbacks and problems.

Almost everything is changeable, improvable, and achievable unless the laws of nature prevent it from happening.”

Take Care of Your Health Too

Health is wealth and happiness. Pay attention to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Take care of yourself. Exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and get enough rest and sleep. To improve your mental well-being, practice mindfulness, meditation, and stress management techniques. Without energy and physical strength, many things we want to accomplish in our lives will remain unaccomplished.

Three Points to Remember:

1.       Set goals.

2.       Adopt a growth mindset.

3.       Seek knowledge and build a supporting network of people.

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How Can I Make a Dent in the Universe? “We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why else even be here.”  Steve Jobs The quest...